Asphalt Repair:
Preserving your pavement

What Is Asphalt Repair? 
Asphalt repair involves maintaining and restoring asphalt surfaces to prolong their lifespan and prevent further deterioration. Whether it’s your driveway, parking lot, or road, timely repairs are essential to keep the asphalt in good condition.

Why Repair Asphalt?

  1. Pothole Prevention:
    Regular maintenance helps prevent potholes, cracks, and other surface defects. Addressing minor issues promptly avoids costly repairs down the line.
  2. Safety Enhancement:
    Smooth, well-maintained asphalt reduces tripping hazards and ensures safe driving conditions.
  3. Cost Savings:
    Repairing small cracks and worn areas is more cost-effective than waiting for extensive damage to occur.

Common Asphalt Repair Techniques:

  1. Crack Filling:
    Cracks can be repaired using a hot crack filling product that will be applied professionally. By filling the cracks, this will prevent water infiltration.
  2. Pothole Patching:
    Larger holes or potholes require more extensive repair. Properly fill and compact the damaged area with asphalt mix.
  3. Sealcoating:
    Driveway sealing involves applying a protective coating over the asphalt. This coating, made from a liquid asphalt based sealer, shields the asphalt from various threats, including oxidation, UV rays, chemical spills, and helps to bind the stone in the driveway.

Crack filling:
Restoring asphalt surfaces

What Is Crack filling? 
Crack filling is a crucial maintenance practice for asphalt surfaces. It involves repairing cracks promptly to prevent them from worsening and to extend the life of your pavement. Whether it’s your driveway, parking lot, or road, addressing cracks early helps maintain safety and aesthetics.

Why is Crack filling important?

  1. Preventing potholes:
    Regular maintenance helps prevent potholes, cracks, and other surface defects. Addressing minor issues promptly avoids costly repairs down the line.
  2. Enhancing safety:
    Well-maintained asphalt reduces tripping hazards and ensures smooth driving conditions.
  3. Cost effective:
    Repairing minor cracks is more economical than waiting for extensive damage.

Driveway sealing:
Protecting your investment

What is driveway sealing? 
Driveway sealing involves applying a protective coating over the asphalt. This coating, made from a liquid asphalt based sealer, shields the asphalt from various threats, including oxidation, UV rays, chemical spills, and helps to bind the stone in the driveway.

Why seal your driveway?

  1. Preserving structural integrity:
    Sealcoating creates a membrane that shields the concrete or asphalt from the sun, gasoline, rock salt, oil, and ice. By preventing these elements from penetrating the surface, you extend the life of your driveway.
  2. Enhancing appearance:
    Well-maintained asphalt reduces tripping hazards and ensures smooth driving conditions.
  3. Cost effective:
    Repairing minor cracks is more economical than waiting for extensive damage.

With a well-maintained driveway you will get a longer life and better appearance.

Remember, driveway sealing your driveway is an investment in its longevity and aesthetics.
Consult with our professionals to find the best solution for your climate and conditions

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